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Asheesh has driven technology vision and business development for security and blockchain start-ups, culminating in a 25-year career in the software and technology industry.

At Ziroh Labs and Hourvillage, he continues to develop businesses, including a homomorphic privacy-preserving security company and a decentralized platform for service exchange using time credits. Asheesh is committed and passionate about driving technology at deeptech start-ups, leveraging his hands-on, roll-up-my-sleeves leadership approach and previous experience at IBM, Oracle, and DEC to drive vision, architecture, business development, and product development. With over 20 years of experience managing technical teams for ERP, hybrid cloud, and middleware software products, he is adept at driving complex projects and positioning contemporary technologies and solutions. Asheesh's experiences in driving two technology start-ups in APAC provide him with a unique entrepreneurial perspective, enabling him to deliver their product vision.
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Magic USA Inc.



All investments are subject to market, or systematic, risk. Because the market cannot be accurately predicted or completely controlled, no investment is risk-free. MaGiC for all practical purposes refers to Magic USA, a company incorporated in the United States of America.